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Join the action of Nepal, Childhood and Light!

You have the choice :

              - become a sponsor or co-sponsor

              - become a donor

              - become a member-

Become a member:


Just a little boost from you, but small streams.....


An annual subscription of €15 will allow you to receive the 3 or 4  bulletins a year from NEL and to vote at the annual General Assembly.



Become a donor:


Indispensable support!

You don't desire to be committed on a long-term basis, you find the sponsorship too binding ?

Equally you can contribute to the well-being of all children in making regular or punctual donations.

They are essential for financing the children schooling of those not benefitting from godparents, helping  the most deprived families, paying medical expenses of our godchildren, clothing, maintenance of the earthquake resistant home, etc.....


Donations by automatic payments (RIB of NEL sent on request)

         or by checks made payable to NEL and sent to the treasurer :

Mrs Bernadette COMBE-FRANCE - 434 allée des Acacias - 42210 Bellegarde-en-Forez


Become a sponsor:


Sponsorship is a moral contract, a true commitment to the hopes that these children place in us, a magnificent human adventure and an encounter like no other...

It's not just a question of money. It is also a way for these children to rediscover special connections and an essential balance for a harmonious development.

Through out the schooling, the godparents receive news from their goddaughters and correspond with them. They can meet them. It’s even a joy to visit them !

Helped by our local team, we are committed in maintaining the contact.


We offer two possibilities :

  • The total sponsorship amounts to minimum 60 € per month (knowing that NEL spends in total around €100 per month per girl)

  • The co-sponsorship allows you to sponsor a child together and according to your possibilities. It is this formula that has our preference allowing us to meet in totality the up-keep and total education for a child.


To become Godparent, contact the


All your payments (sponsorships, donations, memberships) give way to a tax reduction up to 66% of the amounts committed.

A payment of €100 = €34 actually paid.

NEL is part of the HelloAsso network - You can also become a member, donor or sponsor through the site:


Presidence : Marianne SILVESTRE de SACY - - 05 55 86 11 18

110 Bd de Feletz - BAT.I - 19600 Saint-Pantaléon-de-Larche


Secretary : Patrick MARIJON - - 06 29 78 73 32

127 rue d'Avron - 75020 Paris


Treasurer : Bernadette COMBE-FRANCE - - 06 85 12 73 38

434 Allée des Acacias - 42210 - Bellegarde-en-Forez


Headquarters : Maison des Associations - 11 place Jean-Marie Dauzier - 19100 BRIVE

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Join the action of Nepal, Childhood and Light!

Become a sponsor : two possibilities :

  • The total sponsorship amounts to minimum 60 € per month.

  • Co-sponsorship allows you to sponsor a child together and according to your possibilities.


Become a donor : to help NEL without taking responsibility for a child :

regular or one-off donations, by monthly or quarterly transfer or by check.


Become a member : a small, modest but essential support; : contribution of €15 per year


In any case, you will receive the 3 or 4 NEL bulletins and will be able to vote at the annual general meeting.

All your payments (sponsorships, donations, memberships) entitle you to a tax reduction up to 66% of the amounts committed.

A payment of €100 = €34 actually paid.


Useful links


Lazimpat, Kathmandu



Yam LAMA, (Director and English/French speaking guide)

Phone: 00977-98 18 60 05 68

Mobile: 00977-98 51 05 45 78




<---Two good guides--->

ANNAPURNA DISCOVERY - Treks & expeditions

Chitra Bahadur SUBBA


Phone: 00977-1-4910201


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