If you plan for a year, plant rice.
If you plan for ten years,
plant trees.
If you plan for a century,
educate your children.
Nepali proverb

It was the meeting of a little girl, Sushi, one evening in February 1992, in a street in Kathmandu,
which inspired
“Nepal, Childhood and Light”.

Nepal, Childhood and Light


NEL News
Our friends in Luxemburg are organising an evening in aid of NEL
on 8 March at 7:30 pm
in Walferdange at the Prince Henri Cultural center
Programme : screening of photos and films about a trek to Kanchenjunga
and impressions of Kathmandu and surroundings
To mark the 30th anniversary of NEL in October, a little book was published which tells the story - in a slightly fictionalised way - of NEL's beginnings, including the famous meeting between Sushi and the Hellers.
It's called "Shanti's Dream".
Two godmothers got together to write and illustrate a 38-page book, 20 x 20 cm,
printed on beautiful satin paper.
The text is by Marianne; the illustrations are watercolours by Marie-Noëlle Pincanon,
who is also NEL's godmother.
The story is sure to appeal to children aged 7 to 14,
as well as adults, with its description of Kathmandu
and Marie-Noëlle's beautiful drawings and watercolours.
The book is sold for €22 in aid of NEL and postage
postage to France is €4.30, giving a total of €26.30.
Cheque to be sent to the treasurer or transfer to NEL's bank account.
A wonderful journey to discover the countryside and Nepalese society:
Bernadette will leave for 3 weeks on 6 March with a small group of sponsors and NEL members.
Programme: Hotel accommodation and tour of Kathmandu with Yam, a French-speaking guide.
Welcome at the hostel, picnic with our daughters, then TREK in the Humla region - from Simikot to Lake RARA. The trek of around 5 to 6 hours a day between 2000 and 3000 m will enable us to discover authentic villages with accommodation in local people's homes.
Of course, for our treasurer, it's also an opportunity to meet Sushi, discuss all the problems and check the accounts.
has arrived in Kathmandu in Sushi and Yam's suitcases!
It's always a happy moment for the girls!
YES! We celebrated our 30th anniversary with dignity and joy!
"Nepal, Enfance et Lumière's 30th birthday party was a complete success, attracting almost 200 people in the presence of Christine LACOMBE, Sandrine MARTIN and Sophie CHAMBON, representing the Mayor.
The craft market, which opened at 10am, was a great success.
From 2.30pm, the afternoon festivities were much appreciated: the 2 films on the association and then on the conquests of Nepalese women in the Himalayas, interspersed with a short dance show by the children of J-Temps Danse in Malemort, were very well received.
Sushi Gujrati and Yam Lama, Anne Benoit-Janin and Jean-Michel Asselin answered many questions from the audience, who were very curious about all aspects of Nepalese society and the education of children.
Sushi and the group Trad-en-Stock then got most of the audience dancing.
The NEL association would like to thank the City of Brive for allowing it to occupy a beautiful festival hall (Espace Chadourne) free of charge.
Vidéo d'une danse traditionnelle : Resham Phiriri


Join the action of Nepal, Childhood and Light!
Become a sponsor : two possibilities :
The total sponsorship amounts to minimum 60 € per month.
Co-sponsorship allows you to sponsor a child together and according to your possibilities.
Contact: nel.presidence@gmail.com
Become a donor : to help NEL without taking responsibility for a child :
regular or one-off donations, by monthly or quarterly transfer or by check.
Become a member : a small, modest but essential support; : contribution of €15 per year
In any case, you will receive the 3 or 4 NEL bulletins and will be able to vote at the annual general meeting.
All your payments (sponsorships, donations, memberships) entitle you to a tax reduction up to 66% of the amounts committed.
A payment of €100 = €34 actually paid.
Useful links
Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Yam LAMA, (Director and English/French speaking guide)
Phone: 00977-98 18 60 05 68
Mobile: 00977-98 51 05 45 78
E-mail :contact@starworldtours.com
ANNAPURNA DISCOVERY - Treks & expeditions
Chitra Bahadur SUBBA
Phone: 00977-1-4910201
E-mail :ctssubba@yahoo.com
<---Two good guides--->